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Tällä sivustolla käytetään evästeitä

Tämä sivusto hyödyntää toiminnan kannalta välttämättömiä evästeitä sekä sivuston kehittämisen mahdollistavia tilastointievästeitä. Joidenkin sisältöjen näyttäminen voi lisäksi edellyttää markkinointievästeiden hyväksymistä. Lue lisää käyttämistämme evästeistä.​​​​​​

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Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA)

Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA) is the co-operation and member association of the Finnish water and wastewater utilities, established in 1956. FIWA's membership includes about 300 Finnish water utilities which cover about 90 % of water services in Finland. In addition FIWA has over 160 collaborating members (companies, institutes, etc.).

FIWA's mission and main functions

FIWA's main purpose is to facilitate an enabling operational environment for its member utilities and support their functions. FIWA works to safeguard and promote the interests of its member utilities and to enhance their professional skills.

Trusteeship and lobbying

The government sets policy guidelines for water utility operations through legislation, regulations, financing and research activities. FIWA through its role as utilities' representative aims at influencing the government, in order to facilitate enabling policy, economic and operational environment for water utilities. FIWA also acts as the office for Water Services Pool, set by the National Emergency Supply Agency. In developing and applying the EU regulations nationally, FIWA works actively in EurEau which is the European Federation of National Associations of Water Services.


FIWA produces for its member utilities' demand various guidelines and recommendations and various technical and administrative publications. FIWA maintains a utility benchmarking database, through which its member utilities can adopt and utilise relevant performance indicators in order to enhance their operations. Water Utilities Development Fund supports research and development projects which are relevant to develop utilities.

Training and education

FIWA enhances its member utilities' and their staff's professional skills through providing versatile training, water services specific courses and water services days. FIWA is the biggest provider of short-term training courses in the water services sector. FIWA organises national water services days annually in May-June and also regional water services days. Every second year FIWA organises the Infrastucture Technology (YT) -fair in co-operation with four other associations.

Member services

Member services offered to FIWA's member utilities include advisory and guidance services through telephone and email and through written statements. FIWA publishes its member newsletter once a month, member bulletins, and Vesitalous -magazine. In addition member utilities receive a free copy of almost all FIWA publications.

International activities and co-operation

FIWA works actively in the co-operation association of the EU and ETA countries, EurEau. The mission of EurEau is to influence development of common European regulations, including the EU directives. In its decision-making EurEau aims at a consensus and each member country has one vote.

FIWA has its representative in the EurEau General Assembly and two representatives in each of the three EurEau Committees. The specific areas of the Committees are: EU1 Drinking water, EU2 Waste water, and EU3 Legislation and economics.

The Nordic national associations for water and wastewater utilities maintain close co-operation and contact both between the Managing Directors and among the various expert groups. Nordic associations also co-operate closely within EurEau. FIWA also has close co-operation with the national association in Estonia (EVEL).

FIWA represents jointly with Water Association Finland in IWA (International Water Association). Water Association, Finland operates as the national committee of IWA.


Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA)

Visiting address:
Ratamestarinkatu 7 B (6th floor)
00520 Helsinki

tel. +358 9 8689 010
email vvy(at)vvy.fi


Riku Vahala
Managing Director
general management, trusteeship, development, international issues
+35850 588 4237, riku.vahala(at)vvy.fi

Mika Rontu
Deputy Director
deputy of MD, expert services in network and plants issues, director of the YT fair
+358 9 8689 0114, mika.rontu(at)vvy.fi

Heli Ala-Pohja
office secretary, membership registry
+358 9 8689 0110, heli.ala-pohja(at)vvy.fi

Katri Henttonen
Training Manager
planning and arrangement of training event
+358 9 8689 0124, katri.henttonen(at)vvy.fi

Riina Liikanen
Senior Adviser
expert services in issues related to drinking water, research and preparedness
+358 9 8689 0113, riina.liikanen(at)vvy.fi

Paula Lindell
Senior Adviser
expert services in issues related to storm water, quality of waste water and sludge and research
+358 9 8689 0121, paula.lindell(a)vvy.fi

Joonas Jännäri
Lawyer, Chief of Legal Issues
expert services in issues related to economy, management and administration and legal matters of water utilities
+358 9 8689 0115, joonas.jannari(at)vvy.fi

Saijariina Toivikko
Development Manager
+358 9 8689 0116, saijariina.toivikko(a)vvy.fi

Minna Laurila
Education Officer
planning and arrangement of training events, registration for training
+358 9 8689 0112, minna.laurila(at)vvy.fi

Eeva Hörkkö
Information Officer
information of FIWA and water utilities
+358 9 8689 0123, eeva.horkko(at)vvy.fi

Anneli Kurppa
Financial Secretary
invoicing, wages and fees
+358 9 8689 0117, anneli.kurppa(at)vvy.fi

More informtion about Infratech exhibition: https://yhdyskuntatekniikka.fi/en

Finnish Industrial Wastewater Guide illustrates Finnish practices for managing industrial wastewater and presents the collaboration model, currently applied in Finland, between municipalities, industrial enterprises and water utilities. Publication provides support and up-to-date information on the management of industrial wastewater to sewers and their safe management at municipal wastewater treatment plants.

Finnish Industrial Wastewater Guide describes the various stages in drawing up an industrial wastewater agreement and matters that have to be taken into account in preparing such an agreement. Publication includes the legislation applicable to industrial wastewater, information on quality restrictions, contractual matters, fees, monitoring and practical examples of functioning solutions. Appendices present examples of industrial wastewater agreements used by Finnish water utilities.

Guide was translated into English in the context of the BEST – Better Efficiency for Industrial Sewage Treatment project, translation was commissioned by the Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY.


Download the publication (free of charge): Finnish Industrial Wastewater Guide

Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA) works to increase property owners’ and landlords’ awareness on storm water issues and concerns by launching a communication campaign. The aim is to promote real estate owners’ awareness on their properties’ water pipes and sewers and the environmental impacts of their water management solutions. The impact of properties’ water management is significant in the time of heavy rains in many cities. If property owner could delay and slow down rain waters coming from their roofs, water would have longer period to flow through sewerage systems. As a result, most urban floods would be prevented and there would be no need for bypassing sewage water into the waterways without purification. The topic is also pressing because of increasing rainfall caused by climate change. The campaign message is addressed to house owners and board members of the housing companies. 

Campaign goals are: 

  • To raise focus groups’ awareness on storm water. It is important to manage storm waters within properties. (What is storm water?  Why is it important right now?)


  •  To increase awareness of the responsibility of the landlord / owner of the property / board members of the housing companies, when it comes to water issues on their property.
  •  To increase awareness of the impact of water solutions for the value of the property, but also for safety and the environment. The campaign will be implemented during the year 2018. The timetable will be refined as the planning progresses.

Brochure: Do you know what's hiding beneath your lawn?

Nordic Smart Water Solutions
Opportunities and challenges for the water sector
Presentation of lessons learned from water and wastewater utilities in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

Is smart water the answer to our water and climate challenges? Will
digitalization improve our services towards customers and the way we
protect water and environment? 

As we are looking into a future with increased uncertainties, also in our
Nordic welfare states, the questions above inspired us to produce this booklet. Red more. Nordic Smart Water Solutions pdf-file.
Social media: #Nordicinnovation

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